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Kouluttajan kertauskurssi!


Kouluttajan kertauskoulutus on täydellinen tilaisuus päivittää tietosi ja kehittää taitojasi koulutusmaailmassa. Osallistu etäkoulutukseen 21.03.24!

Lue lisää ja ilmoittaudu...!


Tiimivetäjille sekä urheiluvalmentajille suunnattuja vuorovaikutuskursseja etäkoulutuksena nyt saatavilla!

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Seuraava verkkokurssi!


Tiiminvetäjän konfliktinhallinnan kurssi tulossa jälleen 7.-14.3.2023 verkkokoulutuksena!

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Customer Service


The customer is one of the most important in the daily business. 

You can have the best equipments, tools, facilities etc.. in your organization. If you are lacking the skills and will to serve the customer your business in long term will not be successful.

We shall not overlook the customer service. Customer is our " BOSS"!

At the end of the day " the customer will bring the bread on the table".


Duration 1 day 


  • What is customer service? 
  • Why is customer service important?
  • How can you stand out from others or other organizations?
  • What is the impact of excellent customer service? How to achieve Customer Service Excellance?
  • Problem Solving
  • Service Recovery


Your organization will stand out from the others  and your customers will stay with you!

Join my workshop and bring your customer service to the level of excellence!



Maximum of 12 participants per workshop.


Price: 220,- euros/ person

Price include:

  • Attendance Certificate





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